It was a little cold today! Temps of -6°C/21°F. means the rechargeable NiMH batteries need to stay warm or they will drain quickly. I just tape one of those hot pacs on the machine head, cover it with a kleenex to add R value the slip on the cover. That keeps the batteries warm for about 10 hours.
That little hockey puck coil really hits tiny targets. I air tested pennies to about 5 1/2 inches. It's great for getting into tiny spots. I have never been a fan of large coils....the ID isn't that precise, they suck in trashy places and are heavy.
I was working an old pic-nic site, which I have hit several times in the last 20 years or so. It still sometimes gives up a good find or two. On the left is the lid of an old canning jar, a common find in old pic-nic areas. The pic on the right is a rabbit hiding in a hole from the roots of a large pine tree which had fallen. Poor feller........he turned white for the winter, yet we have little snow. Kinda sticks out like a sore thumb.
Ha! I bet this person was pizzed! Nearly a full pack of cigarettes lost. At $10.00+ a pack, can't blame him. The lighter was found in another area. I haven't found a Zippo lighter for a while.
Probably an old mechanical bell which was used on a bicycle. Much more complicated then today's bells.
Here's the only coin I clad dime. Those 22 casings were buried 2-3 inches. It was beginning to get dark out, I was getting cold and brought along some nice recently smoked deer jerky for a snack. It was time to leave!