Hi Folks;
We would like to convey a very important story to you folks. The wife and I, tho not by any means experts, do a bit of metal detecting together all over the country and had a first time experience with real danger the other night. We own a gunmetal refinishing business and after the fact being well acquainted with guns and law enforcement people realized just how close we could have came to the end.
The story starts with an old school late 1800's early 1900's that has been surrounded by new buildings built around it with a new school. We found where the old building sat and were detecting a sports field about a hundred feet from the old part of the building. It was late about 9:00 but it was a long summer day and we could still see somewhat and hated to quit just yet.
Now you have to picture this to get the whole jest of this, the wife usually pinpoints after I find the target with a bullseye pinpointer ( long black barrel about 8 inches ). and then I dig up the target and we work together with this operation.
Story continues: she is standing beside me while I am bent over digging the target and she has her trusty pinpointer in hand , this is when in our part of the world we say all "Hell broke loose". I'm there on my knees with my head in a hole and she is standing there with the pinpointer looking down on me when not one or two but THREE cop cars come flying across the school parking lot with spot lights and red lights flashing!!! Without thinking being not of the criminal mind she turns towards the lights and said "I think you better cover that hole REAL QUICK". Cop cars stop at the fence about 75 feet from us and the three cars unloaded 2 cops each that headed to the fence between us and them, around the fence and trying to go over the fence (Dunkin Donut kept this event from happening) all officers were in a great toot so I stood up which evidently stopped the problem cold.? When the wife turned with the pinpointer in had toward the cops its a wonder she didn't get shot but when I stood up the crime was actually over.?? Someone had called the cops on us for they saw us in the field and it was two people , one was evidently beating the other with a pipe and that is what they told the police when they called!!!! So when I stood up they could see I was not near death and it was a mistake. It could have been shoot first and ask questions later when she turned toward them with the pinpointer so it would serve as a warning to be cautious of your situation at all times as you never know what might cause the circumstances to change instantly on you, even just metal detecting.
Now were trying to find out if the person who lived where they could see us was really short of good sight or someone living nearby didn't want to share their favorite metal detecting spot with us????
Long story short which it was not ; Stay aware of what is going on around you and what you may look like your doing if others see you at all times , better safe than sorry.
Happy Hunting
Grumpy and Esther : with their first gold and diamond ring;
We would like to convey a very important story to you folks. The wife and I, tho not by any means experts, do a bit of metal detecting together all over the country and had a first time experience with real danger the other night. We own a gunmetal refinishing business and after the fact being well acquainted with guns and law enforcement people realized just how close we could have came to the end.
The story starts with an old school late 1800's early 1900's that has been surrounded by new buildings built around it with a new school. We found where the old building sat and were detecting a sports field about a hundred feet from the old part of the building. It was late about 9:00 but it was a long summer day and we could still see somewhat and hated to quit just yet.
Now you have to picture this to get the whole jest of this, the wife usually pinpoints after I find the target with a bullseye pinpointer ( long black barrel about 8 inches ). and then I dig up the target and we work together with this operation.
Story continues: she is standing beside me while I am bent over digging the target and she has her trusty pinpointer in hand , this is when in our part of the world we say all "Hell broke loose". I'm there on my knees with my head in a hole and she is standing there with the pinpointer looking down on me when not one or two but THREE cop cars come flying across the school parking lot with spot lights and red lights flashing!!! Without thinking being not of the criminal mind she turns towards the lights and said "I think you better cover that hole REAL QUICK". Cop cars stop at the fence about 75 feet from us and the three cars unloaded 2 cops each that headed to the fence between us and them, around the fence and trying to go over the fence (Dunkin Donut kept this event from happening) all officers were in a great toot so I stood up which evidently stopped the problem cold.? When the wife turned with the pinpointer in had toward the cops its a wonder she didn't get shot but when I stood up the crime was actually over.?? Someone had called the cops on us for they saw us in the field and it was two people , one was evidently beating the other with a pipe and that is what they told the police when they called!!!! So when I stood up they could see I was not near death and it was a mistake. It could have been shoot first and ask questions later when she turned toward them with the pinpointer so it would serve as a warning to be cautious of your situation at all times as you never know what might cause the circumstances to change instantly on you, even just metal detecting.
Now were trying to find out if the person who lived where they could see us was really short of good sight or someone living nearby didn't want to share their favorite metal detecting spot with us????
Long story short which it was not ; Stay aware of what is going on around you and what you may look like your doing if others see you at all times , better safe than sorry.
Happy Hunting
Grumpy and Esther : with their first gold and diamond ring;