This is a great Forum and I would hate to see it reduced to name calling.
From reading ALL of these post it is evident that both Kenner and Jim are extremely knowledgeable.
Kenner... You need to realize that you are sounding off on the MXT Forum. Thus... you will meet advocates of that machine here. Your rhetoric is like a Republican going to the Democratic Convention with the mission of converting all to his beliefs. That isn't going to happen on this Forum.
What might happen is that we could all probably learn from your years of experience, as we do from Jim. For that to happen you will have to use a little more tack than your first message on this Forum.. <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
If you feel that strongly/negatively about the MXT then you would probably me better served on another Forum.
I would also like to hear your response to Deathwinds question as well. What metal detector do you use or recommend and why.
Johnny B
From reading ALL of these post it is evident that both Kenner and Jim are extremely knowledgeable.
Kenner... You need to realize that you are sounding off on the MXT Forum. Thus... you will meet advocates of that machine here. Your rhetoric is like a Republican going to the Democratic Convention with the mission of converting all to his beliefs. That isn't going to happen on this Forum.
What might happen is that we could all probably learn from your years of experience, as we do from Jim. For that to happen you will have to use a little more tack than your first message on this Forum.. <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
If you feel that strongly/negatively about the MXT then you would probably me better served on another Forum.
I would also like to hear your response to Deathwinds question as well. What metal detector do you use or recommend and why.
Johnny B