There is a 40 acre Civil War Campsite / Training Area in my area. It was of major Regional importance during the Civil War. With the assistance of friends and a visit down to the county (called parish here) assessor's office, I was able to finally track down the "owner" of these extremely significant tracts of land during the CW. After some telephone calls and google searching, a phone # was found. After I left my number he finally called back. This gentlemen holds a very significant office within our community. I explained to him who i was, what i planned on doing and my interest in military history and the joy of simply 'finding old CW bullets." During our conversation, he mentioned to me that he knew for a fact that several MDters had and/or were trespassing on his property pursing their individual hobbies and interests. But because I had taken the time and was courteous enough to consult with him and simply "ASK FOR HIS PERMISSION", he gladly granted me full hunting privledges of his property in hopes that I may give him a 3 ringer or two. He also reminded me that no one else currently had his permission to be out there. Sure its been hunted in the past (both legall and illegally) but I was really excited about the future possibilities of this site.
Lesson Learned : Be courteous to others and simply ask for permission.
The worst that can happen is that they'll say no.
Lesson Learned : Be courteous to others and simply ask for permission.