I still say that once you sit down , and understand the E Trac , and know what the various settings do, you actually spend LESS time once you get to your detecting spot running the E Trac than you do the Sovereign .....Now if the E Trac confuses you from the very beginning and it overwhelms you , and you are not one to roll your own , then a machine that is easier to set up is surely in order ...... There are quite a few folks who have been intimidated by the E Trac BECAUSE it has so much to offer.....What they DON'T realize is that once you understand the machine and what each setting does, it's really a peice of cake to run !!..... I've learned both machines from scratch, and it has taken me every bit as long to learn the idiosincrocies of the Sovereign as it has to learn the actual functions of the E Trac .... I can find, identify, and dig a target MUCH FASTER with the E Trac than I can with the Sovereign .... Bottom Line, that says it all right there, ESPECIALLY if you don't have as much time to hunt !!..... With the E Trac I dig more Silver , and with the Soveriegn , I dig more Pennies ..... Heck , you want EASY, FAST , and LIGHT !!...ACCURATE , and better iron abilities than the Sovereign , and cheaper too with a meter ID , get an AT PRO !!!..... The falsing issue is fixed now !!..... Technology marches on !!.....Jim