What a fantastic day! I can't believe that we are starting the second week in November, and there is no snow, the daytime temperatures are above freezing and we have no snow. Some past years we have has temperatures in the -30's with a lot of snow. Here is the terrain we hunted today......

After several hours of climbing terrain, fighting off brambles and thick bushes, this is my take for the day.

I dug up this assortment of foreign coins and commemorative tokens in a nearby field, beside some bushes. It's kind of a strange mixture of finds that someone lost.

That bullet looking object on the left is what I believe to be the top of a cylindrical container for a cigar. Any other ideas? Also got a small thimble, a tube of lipstick with "PONDS LIPS" stamped on the end. What would a relic hunt be without those nasty tokens. We find the everywhere around here.

Each of us found a silver dime. My buddy found the one on the left. The date had completely worn off on the obverse side. I managed a 1951 silver dime. After several hours of battling the brambles, old trails and thick brush, we ended up at an open area over looking the valley and Edmonton Sky-line. It was about 5 pm, the sun was setting and the temperatures were starting to get a little nasty. We both grabbed our cameras and got some beautiful photos of the Edmonton Skyline with a sunset behind it.
What a great hobby!