Kelley (Texas)
New member
I still remember the day that Tyler shot Mr. Garza's cat, Micky, with a paint gun...still just as clear in my memory as the day it happened.
Three of the boys that lived on our street had been on a rampage for a good solid week, terrorizing the whole area with some paint guns that they had bought at the Academy Store over on Perrin-Bietel Rd. I had a run in with them a few days earlier when they shot up the side of my house and I made them scrub the paint off the bricks. You would think that getting caught shooting the side of my house and having to clean it would teach them a lesson that you do not damage other folk's property...unfortunately, it did not.
Two days later, they shot Mr. Garza's pet cat, Micky as he was walking down their driveway. I happen to be sitting on the tail gate of my pickup truck and saw the whole thing from start to finish. I saw Tyler, and the other two boys, Eric and Alex, come out of Tyler's garage with the paint could tell by the way that they were acting that they were up to no good. At this time, Micky was under Mr. Garza's car, not bothering anyone. As the boys walked down the street in the direction of Mr. Garza's house, Micky came out from under the car and started walking down the driveway. It was at this time that I saw Tyler raise the the paint gun and shoot the poor cat...yellow paint went everywhere. Tyler must have hit the cat twice with those paint balls. At the time this was happening, Mr. Garza was coming around the side of the house from the back yard, and saw the boys running up the street at the same time the cat ran past him heading for the back yard. I will never forget that horrible blood curdling yell that came from the lips of Mr. Garza...even the hair on the back of my neck stood up! As the three boys came running past me, I saw the look of deep fear in their eyes...they knew they were in deep trouble. The boys ran into Tyler's garage, pulled the door down with a loud bang, and you could hear the click as they locked it, but it was too late! Mr. Garza was only seconds behind them and started banging on the door, yelling in some TexMex language that I could not understand. This went on for several minutes before he gave up and headed back to his house.
I sat there in amazement of all that had transpired in a matter of maybe ten minutes total time. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Garza in their front yard trying to clean the yellow paint off of Micky. I did not know it, but Mr. Garza had called the police and I was still sitting on the tail gate to my pickup truck when the police showed up at Tyler's home and moments later Tyler's mother showed up too. I guess Mr. Garza had called Tyler's mother on the cell phone. A few minutes later the other boy's parents came to Tyler's house. When the dust settled, the police confiscated the paint ball guns and the boys were issued some type of ticket to appear at some county court down at the Bexar County Courthouse. Mr. Garza got Micky cleaned and he was OK other than two welts on his side.
The next morning Debbie sent me up to the ice house to get a gallon of milk and Albert, the cashier, said that he had heard of the excitement on our street, how three boys pretty near killed a neighbor's cat with a shotgun and in turn were beaten within an inch of their lives by the cat's owner. I paid for the milk, and as I was leaving, I looked at Albert and with a straight face told Albert that it was worst than that, I had heard that one of the boys had died. I was still laughing when I handed Debbie the milk. Like I have said many times, there is always some type of excitement taking place in our neighborhood. Kelley (Texas)
Three of the boys that lived on our street had been on a rampage for a good solid week, terrorizing the whole area with some paint guns that they had bought at the Academy Store over on Perrin-Bietel Rd. I had a run in with them a few days earlier when they shot up the side of my house and I made them scrub the paint off the bricks. You would think that getting caught shooting the side of my house and having to clean it would teach them a lesson that you do not damage other folk's property...unfortunately, it did not.
Two days later, they shot Mr. Garza's pet cat, Micky as he was walking down their driveway. I happen to be sitting on the tail gate of my pickup truck and saw the whole thing from start to finish. I saw Tyler, and the other two boys, Eric and Alex, come out of Tyler's garage with the paint could tell by the way that they were acting that they were up to no good. At this time, Micky was under Mr. Garza's car, not bothering anyone. As the boys walked down the street in the direction of Mr. Garza's house, Micky came out from under the car and started walking down the driveway. It was at this time that I saw Tyler raise the the paint gun and shoot the poor cat...yellow paint went everywhere. Tyler must have hit the cat twice with those paint balls. At the time this was happening, Mr. Garza was coming around the side of the house from the back yard, and saw the boys running up the street at the same time the cat ran past him heading for the back yard. I will never forget that horrible blood curdling yell that came from the lips of Mr. Garza...even the hair on the back of my neck stood up! As the three boys came running past me, I saw the look of deep fear in their eyes...they knew they were in deep trouble. The boys ran into Tyler's garage, pulled the door down with a loud bang, and you could hear the click as they locked it, but it was too late! Mr. Garza was only seconds behind them and started banging on the door, yelling in some TexMex language that I could not understand. This went on for several minutes before he gave up and headed back to his house.
I sat there in amazement of all that had transpired in a matter of maybe ten minutes total time. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Garza in their front yard trying to clean the yellow paint off of Micky. I did not know it, but Mr. Garza had called the police and I was still sitting on the tail gate to my pickup truck when the police showed up at Tyler's home and moments later Tyler's mother showed up too. I guess Mr. Garza had called Tyler's mother on the cell phone. A few minutes later the other boy's parents came to Tyler's house. When the dust settled, the police confiscated the paint ball guns and the boys were issued some type of ticket to appear at some county court down at the Bexar County Courthouse. Mr. Garza got Micky cleaned and he was OK other than two welts on his side.
The next morning Debbie sent me up to the ice house to get a gallon of milk and Albert, the cashier, said that he had heard of the excitement on our street, how three boys pretty near killed a neighbor's cat with a shotgun and in turn were beaten within an inch of their lives by the cat's owner. I paid for the milk, and as I was leaving, I looked at Albert and with a straight face told Albert that it was worst than that, I had heard that one of the boys had died. I was still laughing when I handed Debbie the milk. Like I have said many times, there is always some type of excitement taking place in our neighborhood. Kelley (Texas)