There are 7 of us First Responders with the Volunteer Fire Department where I live. We are trained in basic first-aid and CPR. Now a First Responder is just what the title means, we are the first ones called out for traffic accidents or for medical attention until the Paramedics get there. Most of the time, we just comfort the person until help arrives.
One afternoon I just got off work and was almost home, I had the fire department radio on and was half heartily listening to various police and paramedic calls, mostly thinking what I was going to do about supper, then I heard it, my fire department pager going off followed by "Woman having a baby" and address. First thing came to my mind was... a complete blank. Then my training took over and I grabbed the mike and reported I was in route. I was thinking I know baby CPR but no where did they teach us how to deliver a baby. I kept listening for someone else to say they were responding also, but no such luck, I'm on my own. All kinds of scenarios kept going through my mind, all were bad, then...I was there. I pulled into the front yard and jumped out of my truck and the first thing I see is a little old lady at the front door pointing into the house an saying "She's in here, she's in here". I'm thinking what did I get myself into as I walked up to the front door and into the house. The room was dark and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and I could make out an unmade bed in the center of the room with no one in it, I'm thinking good, no one there having a baby, I look to the right and see a young woman sitting in a wooden chair wearing a loose fitting white blouse and blue jeans, another plus, she's not having the baby yet and I got plenty of time. I tell her that I'm from the fire department and ask what seams to be the problem. She says the baby is pushing down hard and she is having sharp pains down below. I'm thinking OOH Boy, she's having the baby, maybe not if her water hasn't broke yet, so I ask her if her water has broken, she says she's been leaking a couple of days now. I'm thinking OOOOH Boy, she's having the baby, maybe not if this is her first baby, aren't first babies usually late? I ask her if this is her first baby, she says no, this is her fourth baby, I'm thinking OOOOOOH Boy, she's having the baby, what am I going to do now, then I hear it... the sweet sound of an approaching siren. About that time I look out the window and see the paramedic truck pull up and two female paramedics get out. I've never felt so relieved and said a short thank you prayer to the Lord. The paramedics didn't mess around, they loaded her up and took off to the hospital while I walked back to my trunk with shaking legs.
One afternoon I just got off work and was almost home, I had the fire department radio on and was half heartily listening to various police and paramedic calls, mostly thinking what I was going to do about supper, then I heard it, my fire department pager going off followed by "Woman having a baby" and address. First thing came to my mind was... a complete blank. Then my training took over and I grabbed the mike and reported I was in route. I was thinking I know baby CPR but no where did they teach us how to deliver a baby. I kept listening for someone else to say they were responding also, but no such luck, I'm on my own. All kinds of scenarios kept going through my mind, all were bad, then...I was there. I pulled into the front yard and jumped out of my truck and the first thing I see is a little old lady at the front door pointing into the house an saying "She's in here, she's in here". I'm thinking what did I get myself into as I walked up to the front door and into the house. The room was dark and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and I could make out an unmade bed in the center of the room with no one in it, I'm thinking good, no one there having a baby, I look to the right and see a young woman sitting in a wooden chair wearing a loose fitting white blouse and blue jeans, another plus, she's not having the baby yet and I got plenty of time. I tell her that I'm from the fire department and ask what seams to be the problem. She says the baby is pushing down hard and she is having sharp pains down below. I'm thinking OOH Boy, she's having the baby, maybe not if her water hasn't broke yet, so I ask her if her water has broken, she says she's been leaking a couple of days now. I'm thinking OOOOH Boy, she's having the baby, maybe not if this is her first baby, aren't first babies usually late? I ask her if this is her first baby, she says no, this is her fourth baby, I'm thinking OOOOOOH Boy, she's having the baby, what am I going to do now, then I hear it... the sweet sound of an approaching siren. About that time I look out the window and see the paramedic truck pull up and two female paramedics get out. I've never felt so relieved and said a short thank you prayer to the Lord. The paramedics didn't mess around, they loaded her up and took off to the hospital while I walked back to my trunk with shaking legs.