Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
After a week ,my new Cibola started to creak when i would be swinging it , but rather than bothering me i found it to have a calming efect on my soul,, it reminded me of my blessed gramother in her rocking chair rocking slowly back and forth or as grama used to say forth and back , also it remined me of the old abandoned farms i used to treasure hunt at so quiet just the creaking of a door blowing in the soft breaze the once full house now calm and still creak, creak, i am also remined of being in the woods among the trees and one would creak softly amids the still woods so thats why i like the Cibola creak as long as i am digging bottle tops and pull tabs and the rings are eluding me the soft Cibola creak will calm my trobled soule , and no its not for sale i dont think i could find another detector that would do that Gunnar -of bradform minnesota