First went to church and had a good time there.
Was looking forward to coming home because my good friend Neal from Indiana was coming over with his wife for a visit!
Ya see Neal and I have been friends for several years now, Did I mention we are detecting buddies?
Well I get home and my wife informs me we don't have water!!!
I start trouble shooting to figure out the problem, and Neal and Lisa show up.
It was nice to meet his wife and for our wives to meet each other. They brought pizza and pop and we had a great visit.
Then they left!
Now back to the water problem!
I was just hoping and praying that is was not the well pump or some other expensive fix!
ray: Well I contacted another brother in Christ and a very good friend who is the dad of baby Jessica who many of you prayed for. He and I worked together on the phone and were able to figure out the problem with the pressure switch!
We now have water!
A little bump in the road but a great day! 
God is good all the time!
I was just hoping and praying that is was not the well pump or some other expensive fix!
God is good all the time!