Several of these posters find more jewelry than others, totlotters, beachsweepers, park hunters...some hunters leave the house with an intent on jewelry and they hunt specific areas and key on certain locations, observe the weather, tides, seasons, festivals, lost stuff posted on Craigslist, etc...they have various machines but focus on those goofy signals and are successful..They study the art and mastery of jewelry hunting, and look at each area through that mindset..I'd say any one of them with a cheap detector of any brand, would find more gold and silver jewelry than others would with a top of the line unit, simply because they've mastered a few important skills. Besides reading a site, speedy retrieval is one necessity, since each and every foil and pulltab signal must be examined. Sometimes its as simple as being the first one there in the morning, or at night after a big weekend on the beach, or sports event, or festival. More often than not, its more of a race against the other hunters than the elemental aspects of equipment. Heck, when I was a kid, after a big wind storm, we'd race out to the beach on our Schwinn Typhoons because coins and heavy items were laid bare by the wind and could be eyeballed, and we got to know the certain areas where people would drop stuff more than others..