New member
hello everyone, im feeling better after a touch of the flu. i saw a fellow the other day passing by digging in a yard [it mighta been his own] with this full sized long shovel[you know, the original yard butcher]. i thought i saw a detector laying on the ground next to the pile and did a double take: it WAS a detector laying on the ground. being the curious sort, i circled back around after going to the store and spied the fellow in a different section of the yard, his holes blissfully uncovered and spotted everywhere. and i mean everywhere! i wanted to pull up in the driveway and offer some helpful advice or maybe even help him hunt [cackle cackle] but i just couldnt get past all those unfilled holes with mountains of dirt beside them! visions of emergency room bills for a sprained ankle filled my head, and discretion being the better part of valor...thought of a new term for people like him - a SPADEMUNKY. what a butcher job. it looks terrible. id be mad too. he oughta know better. what good press well get for this. the rationale list goes on and on...passing by this morning, i saw the same hills by the same holes in the same yard. all i could do was shake my head and promise myself that i would never do that to anyones property, much less my own. the moral of the story is, if you are a SPADEMUNKY, you should reform your ways and use a smaller digging device, especially in peoples yards. its ok to use a short spade in woods or in fields... but please, cover your holes!!! hh,