For sharing in my experience of finding that amazing coin in bezel. I took John's advice and submitted it to Garrett so you may be forced into reading my blow by blow description one more time. Please indulge me.
I submitted 4 photos of which I think these two are best. I needed the quarter in the field to focus on and if I crop it out the photo becomes to small to use. My camera would not focus on the gold. I think because of the reflection. The piece did get one trip through a neighbor's jewelry cleaner. The scratch doe not look that bad to the naked eye.
I submitted 4 photos of which I think these two are best. I needed the quarter in the field to focus on and if I crop it out the photo becomes to small to use. My camera would not focus on the gold. I think because of the reflection. The piece did get one trip through a neighbor's jewelry cleaner. The scratch doe not look that bad to the naked eye.