Read about hunting soccer fields which was recently posted by Kickback and BearHarold commented on it. It REMINDED me how productive my local soccer fields were so I decided to go back and try one out this p.m. Here are my finds with the Pro & 5.3 coil hunting around the bench areas and sidelines for about 2 1/2 hrs time. I JUST missed silver again with 2 older clad coins. I love the 'coin spills' as I dug 8 dimes out of one hole and 3 quarters out of another. Dont think I'm gonna bore anyone anymore with just clad coins posts but was happy with the performance of the MXT Pro. Gonna be heading back to the soccer field soon. THANKS Kickback and Bearharold for the reminder !!
THANKS all for viewing. CCH.
THANKS all for viewing. CCH.