I always envisioned that DD illustration that you posted of being a slot, down the middle of the coil from the front to the back.
Because it looks like a slice of a rectangle it gives the appearance, to me, of being just as good detecting at the front or back as the middle "bulls-eye" of the coil.
As well I thought I wouldn't receive a signal from the left or right side of the coil. I thought those sides were only there to hold the rounded part of the D windings that supported this knife-edge/2-3" slot of detection running down the middle from front to back along the straight sides of the D windings.
As I understand now, if a target is shallow you get a good signal anywhere on the coinsearch coil. The deeper the target the more you will notice a signal towards the center slot that rounds out shallower to the sides.
I still have a hard time understanding why I'm receiving the strongest signal in the bulls-eye area of the coil. It seems a concentric coil would naturally be stronger in the direct center, but as stated I was thinking the DD would be just as strong anywhere along the center/rectangular slot. ..
After reading this again I think I understand. The DD is stronger in this middle slot and the strength fades/slopes to the front & back as well as the left & right sides, yet in differing proportions. The field of the coil tapers slowly and gently from the front to the back because of the two straight, parallel windings. As a result the taper is more abrupt and harsher moving 90 degrees, left or right side of the same parallel windings.
My apologies for taking so long, using so many words and being redundant in trying to try to explain, to myelf, what I'm sure is understood simply enough by ya'll.
If you ask me for directions you best bring a notebook, pen and plan on staying a while...
Thanks Art, it took me almost an hour to finish up my not so enlightened post. I would've been better off to wait on your response. I have to have a picture in mind so I can make some kind of analytical judgment call while I'm operating the XS. It's slowly sinking in, but I'm thick skulled...