just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the help /advice & encouragement with my mxt
the mxt is a unit i can hardly recommend but in my quest for a better beeper ive gone trader to the cause & changed brands
for those just getting into the mxt you wount find a better bunch of people than on this forum
& once again i highly recommend the mxt to anyone & you cant beat the fantastic service dept at whites
heres my pile after 2 months hunting in worked out areas
ill stop in from time to time & keep up on whites finds
[attachment 146841 mxtfirstgold3.JPG]
[attachment 146842 mxttotal65.00.JPG]
[attachment 146843 DSCN0080.JPG]
the mxt is a unit i can hardly recommend but in my quest for a better beeper ive gone trader to the cause & changed brands
for those just getting into the mxt you wount find a better bunch of people than on this forum
& once again i highly recommend the mxt to anyone & you cant beat the fantastic service dept at whites
heres my pile after 2 months hunting in worked out areas
ill stop in from time to time & keep up on whites finds
[attachment 146841 mxtfirstgold3.JPG]
[attachment 146842 mxttotal65.00.JPG]
[attachment 146843 DSCN0080.JPG]