I decided to give the site that I was at yesterday another going over, but this time with the Vaquero and 9 x 8 inch coil combination to get a little more depth. As hard as I hunted the site yesterday, there are still some good targets coming out of the ground. Every time that I dug a wheat penny I got fired up to search harder for a silver coin. It's just a matter of time before I pop a big silver coin, because as you can see I'm at a good location for old coins. I kept finding wheat pennies (1941, 1944, 1939, 1942, 1922) but couldn't get my coil over any silver. I found a 1986 Canadian Penny, 1907 Liberty Nickel, 1948 Turkish Kurus, 1890 Indian Head Penny, but still no silver. I decided to work a section of sidewalk that I've gone over numerous times with all kinds of different detectors. Low and behold, I got a sweet sounding audio right next to the sidewalk and popped a 1954 Rosie. That was it for silver, my last dig was a fish.
I really like this Vaquero. You can find all kinds of neat stuff with it.
I really like this Vaquero. You can find all kinds of neat stuff with it.