enough to hunt salt water in this area, CT, I had to turn the sensitivity way down, to the point there was no point in using it, and even then, wave surge would still make noise. I really like in for fresh water, best small gold unit I've used especially on fine ankle chains etc. The tones are in are anoying but once you learn what its saying, it will do the job in fresh. I've heard of a few guys getting them to hunt in Tx, FL and Calif on some beaches and not others. Minerals, black sand etc, effect them more than others it seems. The salt mode it has, did nothing. I'm not sure how that works, if it just drops how sensitive it is, or how it works, but it didn't here in New England. I hunt a lot of fresh water here in spring time, after the kids have burned pallets and they leave alot of nails, which will drive it nuts also. There I use the Excalibur and pull our stuff that other machines can't get past the iron nails.
Even wet sand here, certain area did not allow it to perform. iN dry sand, I could use it, the Tiger and no complaints, but in the salt water, not good for me. I've had it for 5 years, bought it new, and have tired a lot of different setups, coil, settings, but no where near the performance it has in fresh water. I wish it did as its a trouble free unit. Again, I just use it in fresh water now, and the Excal in salt. I should mention I'm fussy, in that I like a quiet running machine and or barely threshold tone. But in the salt, it was far above that that unless I had a nickel on the surface in the water I could not tell a good signal from garabge.... I sure hate to put it down, but thats been my honest results for past 5 years with it. 2 of my buddies I hunt with got them also on my results for fresh water and we could not get their TS tohunt in salt either so it was not just a fluke with mine.
The only other thing with the machine is a clicking sound when the connection to the box enters the water. I keep my control box mounted low on the shaft as I hunt a lot of fast rivers here with it, and it helps keep the coil on the bottom. Otherwise, trouble free.