I was at the site at daybreak and shortly thereafter I had my coil over a 1957 Franklin Half Dollar. I found it next to a service walk that went to what used to be a detached garage, but it either burned down or was torn down. The area around where the garage used be is a minefield of old rusty nails. Yesterday I went down along that same service walk with another detector brand and it got all tied into knots. I decided today I'd take the Outlaw, since it can handle nails without much fuss. I detected for around an hour and decided to call it day. At 7:02 I was loaded up and headed for home.
You can see my settings in the photo below. Nothing that I have can beat the Outlaw in a bed of nails. I just noticed the ole rusty nail laying next to Ben in the first photo.
You can see my settings in the photo below. Nothing that I have can beat the Outlaw in a bed of nails. I just noticed the ole rusty nail laying next to Ben in the first photo.