I went to detect around an old house that was built around the mid 1800's to try my luck. I started out with the Outlaw with the 8 inch doughnut coil attached. After about 30 minutes of detecting I decided to put it back in the car and get out one of my high tech detectors. That didn't last long. The EMI and iron was giving it fits, so put it back in the car and got out the Outlaw again. Talk about trashy, that place was loaded with junk. I started out with the discrimination set on the Outlaw at its minimum, but I wasn't feeling too hot from being out late last night watching a football game, so I moved the discrimination up to pull tab. I was out in front of the barn and found a 1909 wheat penny, so know there must be silver there as well. About 6 feet away from where I found the wheat penny, I got a strong signal that I almost didn't dig, because it sounded a lot like the big pieces of aluminum that I've been digging all day long. Good thing that I did decide to dig, because I popped out a old silver bracelet that was down around 4 inches deep.
The Tesoro Outlaw is one sweet detector. I'm going back tomorrow and give the 5.75 inch concentric coil a try.
The Tesoro Outlaw is one sweet detector. I'm going back tomorrow and give the 5.75 inch concentric coil a try.