You ask which detector...That would depend on who made the response..their level of experience and so on..
You do not say what your going to hunt..Coins, Gold nuggets, beaches, etc.etc.........So I can't give a good opinion..
Coins..Lobo works well....Gold Lobo works real well..beaches Fairly well ............
Mxt Coins excellent, Gold does pretty good I am told,'s ok.....Relic..good machine I am told....
Now the best part MXT is like three machines in one.. Lobo is really only a Gold hunter with a discrimination's deep..but not wonderfully deep on coins. Mxt is fairly deep on coins and is capable of hitting nuggets.also can and does do well on relics......Just my opinion The MXT is the better all around choice..15 other people will tell you the Lobo.........Read, read, read all about each.....You can never go wrong with a Whites Metal Detector..they all work well..some better than others....The MXT has a meter..The Lobo does not..The MXt has a coin depth gauge The Lobo does not..See what I mean..opinion the MXt has what I like, but maybe not what you like...Listen to all of us..and then don't buy a detector because of what we your choice because it's what you want..get one you didn't really want and it's an up hill battle from the minute you use it..Figure out what you like..Beep and dig, meter for coin Id, depth gauge, Pinpoint meter....icons etc. etc.. but make the choice...