Nothing really amazing about these two silver rings, except for the fact that the Cortes nailed them both easily at around 7 inches deep using the 8 inch doughnut coil. They both rang up as zinc pennies. They didn't have enough size to them to get into the dime range. Still, silver is silver.
I had the discrimination set at 'iron', the sensitivity set at '10' and no notch. I can't wait to tryout my new 10 x 12 inch DD coil. It should be here in a few days. Just about everything that I dug today was over 5 inches deep. I'm wore out from digging. The deepest was a 8 inch deep quarter and the Cortes correctly identified it. I could find a lot more silver rings and coins if I could break my habit of wanting dig most every target that beeps looking for gold jewelry. I'm hooked on gold.
Just for the heck of it, I'm going to use the notch feature on the Cortes when I get my 10 x 12 inch DD coil and go cruising for silver rings and coins.
Just for the heck of it, I'm going to use the notch feature on the Cortes when I get my 10 x 12 inch DD coil and go cruising for silver rings and coins.
