Here is a little moc up I've been toying with for a litle while. Same type concept as the Head Hunter Pirate detector with the motherboard inside the headphones.
Well I figured hey why not give it a try. I wanted to eliminate the use of an otter box or pelican box and give the headphone concept a try. I took a pair of Radio Headphones. (PANASONIC) $10.00 ebay.
and a Tesoro Compadre with 8'' concentric . Removed the internals from the headphones except for the speakers and battery plug. Very cool as the headphones has it's own battery compartment on one side .
I put 2 holes in the other side of the headphones. Removed the original speaker from the board of the compadre. Soldered in the 2 headphone speakers to the board. Very easy. Just take pic's with your cellphone and use as a referance to remember where wires go,
I used a USB cable for a long coil cable and solderd it to the board. after installing a cable plug. 1/4'' I also plastidiped both speakers and around the plug. This helped muffle the sound , as it is very loud. Fun little unit that works.
I will do another one ,only with proper coil cable for the next one. Enjoy the idea.
Well I figured hey why not give it a try. I wanted to eliminate the use of an otter box or pelican box and give the headphone concept a try. I took a pair of Radio Headphones. (PANASONIC) $10.00 ebay.
and a Tesoro Compadre with 8'' concentric . Removed the internals from the headphones except for the speakers and battery plug. Very cool as the headphones has it's own battery compartment on one side .
I put 2 holes in the other side of the headphones. Removed the original speaker from the board of the compadre. Soldered in the 2 headphone speakers to the board. Very easy. Just take pic's with your cellphone and use as a referance to remember where wires go,
I used a USB cable for a long coil cable and solderd it to the board. after installing a cable plug. 1/4'' I also plastidiped both speakers and around the plug. This helped muffle the sound , as it is very loud. Fun little unit that works.
I will do another one ,only with proper coil cable for the next one. Enjoy the idea.