The 4 inch is what I was kind of thinking about, but having the ability to change coils my be handy at times.
I have a couple spots along and in streams where some of it is trashy, brushy, rocky and at times have steep banks. A few old swimming holes are in the mix also. Some of it can be a bit rough to work but I have found a good bit of silver, buffs, wheat's and misc stuff of all kinds. I usually wore hip boots and worked from the stream edges. I think these spots were a magnet for kids years ago. Signs of trails lead in, through and out these areas, and I see signs of ropes that were tied to the old oak tree branches where I think they swung from the bank edges over swimming holes, and what looks like remains of tree houses. The places are overgrown now, but is obvious from the signs and previous detecting hunts. There is also a few signs of foundations of some type of dwellings a few hundred yards away that I have some goodies, and some old silverware along the stream straight from the foundations.
I'm going to plan on a Compadre run in these areas with the 5.75 coil. The streams are over flowing now due to repeated rain storms. Some areas can be slippery and steep along the banks, and if I accidentally have a machine roll into the water, it would be a much less heart ache to replace the Compadre compared to some high dollar machines. Of course I try and not let a machine roll into the drink, but I have had several close calls in the past. Up on the banks there are lots of downed trees making it tough in some parts. So I make it a kind of a routine habit driving by these areas keeping my eye on them and have never seen anyone else in there. I worked these areas hard years ago but I know I missed some good silver. I'm waiting for the flood conditions to hopefully move some of the brush and trees and maybe allow me to find more goodies.
I found it so trashy under some of the old trees - I think the Compadre later on is worth a swing under them, along the trails and the streams. I think the smaller the coil, the easier it would be to work these areas.
So the Compadre with swappable coils been spinning my gears, and it's been nearly two years since I swung a coil in these areas. I think soon I'll be ready to give it another run. - Just a thought....