Well that didn't take long at all. I only detected for around 45 minutes, because of the high humidity was causing sweat to run into my eyes and the dry clay ground made digging very difficult to say the least. With all these Compadre posts made lately I decided to take the Compadre out for a short while to see if it works as great as I remembered. I haven't used the Compadre in a long while, but I remember how well it found silver necklaces and gold jewelry. I went to local park that has been hunted to death for silver and clad coins, but with all the pull tabs still in the ground I knew that it hasn't been hunted much for gold jewelry. Along with the gold baby ring charm, I found a few nickels. I always like finding them. The charm was only down about 2 or 3 inches. It gave weak but repeatable signal. I had the discrimination set on the 'f' in foil. After I dug the charm, I laid it on the ground and experimented with the discrimination some. When I moved the discrimination to a point between 'iron' and 'foil' I was able to get a couple of more inches than I could when I had it set on the 'f' in foil. At any rate, I'm going to put a 5.75 coil on my Silver