I bought the UK version of the Vaquero about 2 years ago,its more like a super steroid version running at 18khz and other modifications internally including the high tone mode,manual and fixed GB as well and the Tejon battery box as well,this machine came with the 11x8 factory coil and was only used for maybe 2 hours maximum,did not rate it at all so its brand new stuck in a box.
The coil that i currently have on it is the NEL Snake 6.5x3.5 the idea being using it for really trashy roman/saxon sites,but i doubt that i used it no more that a couple of hours a year,i just cannot get on Tesoro/Laser machine especially the latest ones,i do have a few older models ie SS11,Laser B1 and B3 but my favourite one that i do use is the B3 with the small 4'' coil that makes a terrific machine on sites that are littered with roman hob nails,but for the most part Tesoro machines either older models or even the latest machines are a thing of the past here in the UK,they has been in fashion say 20+ years ago,but i could go almost all year without seeing someone else using one.
So my brand Vaquero goes back into the cupboard for another year,why i bought it i still cannot work that one out,it has a alot of user but its just not work for,i am not alone either as it was a very very long time ago that i last seen someone using one here in the UK,hence the demise of the company,they did not produce a product/s that folks wanted but other companies could.