What is the difference between the Teknetics "Condor" and the Teknetics "Eagle" ?
They both came out in the mid to late 1980s, and they were both 3-filter designs. They were supposed to be a different variation of the earlier faster swing 4-filter Tek's of that era, yet better in minerals than the 2-filter Mark I, right?
Can anyone lend a hand as to the difference between these two machines? And just in general, how they fared, when compared to their earlier 4-filter and 2-filter predecessors.
They both came out in the mid to late 1980s, and they were both 3-filter designs. They were supposed to be a different variation of the earlier faster swing 4-filter Tek's of that era, yet better in minerals than the 2-filter Mark I, right?
Can anyone lend a hand as to the difference between these two machines? And just in general, how they fared, when compared to their earlier 4-filter and 2-filter predecessors.