If you own a Sov or any other machine, I few months ago I posted a test for everyone to try. I have a few other machines and the only machines that could past this test were the Tesoro units!!! Truly!!!
Here is the test, an easy one at that; Take a sqaure nail and hold it next to a nickel in one hand and turn your Sov on and see if you can detect the nickel. More than likely the machine will pause and the tone will go down and null on the objects. If you were digging you would walk right on by and not think anything of the signal. I tried doing this with the Explorer at various settings and it could not indicate that there was a good signal- only marginal pitch changes that would again, make one ignore the signal and not dig.
The machines I own are the Tesoro Bandido, Cibola, Vaquero, Exp, Sov, Fisher 1266, GTA 1000 ultra, PI machine, and another very cheap machine.
So on all machines, other than all metal each machine discriminated out both the iron nail and the nickle other than the Tesoro machines.
I could put the nail in front of the nickle and it would still read the coin at disc set below iron on the C and V, and on the Bandido, the disc was at ZERO!!! Even with the disc set at just below nickle on both the C and V, they still got the coin each time.
Summary, all Tesoro machines were able to detect the coin with a great signal with the iron nail next to, in front of, and behind the coin- while all of the other machines listed did not. Again, try this yourself and truly have an EPIPHANY at the sites you have been to and dug, sites that you literally walked right over stuff and left it behind. Sure the Sov is a great machine, the tones are fantastic; however if you have any nails next to coins, buttons, rings, the things you are looking for- well you and others have left them there unless you dig in all metal.