Full Band Spectrum (FBS)
FBS Technology Logo
FBS (Full Band Spectrum) simultaneously transmits, receives and analyses a full band of multiple frequencies. This provides the detector’s electronics with even more information about a target and the surrounding environment than is possible with single frequency or BBS technology. This has a number of advantages, including:
• High sensitivity across a wide range of target types and sizes, so you only have to cover the ground once.
• Automatic sensitivity and ground compensation, so maximum depth is achieved even in mineralised ground, including salt water beaches.
• Extremely accurate multi-channel signal conversion to precisely separate target signals from ground signals for maximum detection depth and high resolution target identification.
• Smartfind two dimensional discrimination, giving you maximum target information, so that targets can be discriminated by both ferrous and conductive properties simultaneously
FBS great depthFind Every Target Type & Size with Every Sweep
Generally, high transmit frequencies are more sensitive to small targets and low transmit frequencies give more depth on large deep targets. FBS simultaneously transmits and analyses a full band of multiple frequencies from 1.5 kHz to 100 kHz and is therefore sensitive to both very small and large deep targets at the same time. This means you only need to cover the ground once and can be confident you’re not leaving ANY valuable treasure behind.
Automatic Sensitivity & Ground Compensation for Maximum Depth
As you sweep the coil in search of targets, Automatic Sensitivity and Ground Compensation monitor the full band of frequencies for changes in ground mineralisation. Whenever the level of ground mineralisation changes the sensitivity is automatically adjusted to maintain maximum depth. The ground compensation circuitry removes false signals caused by fast changing levels of ground mineralisation. Both of these advanced features work together to maintain maximum detection depth and sensitivity, allowing you to concentrate on listening for targets.
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Extremely Accurate Multi-Channel Signal Conversion
FBS uses multiple channelled Sigma-Delta analogue-to-digital converter technology to digitise the analogue signals received by the search coil. This ultra-fast processing, using a digital reference (1 bit DAC), provides the microcontroller (MCU) with detailed information about the ground conditions and targets. This gives FBS the ability to precisely separate target signals from ground signals for maximum detection depth. It also provides Smartfind with the necessary high resolution target data to accurately plot targets.
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Smartfind 2D Discrimination (not used in Safari detector)
Minelab’s exclusive 2D Discrimination technology analyses a target’s ferrous (Fe) and conductive (Co) properties simultaneously. This revolutionary approach is the most accurate technology available for determining whether a target is treasure or trash.
The information can be heard as different Fe-Co audio tones, as well as being displayed numerically and graphically on a 2D scale. Individual segments or larger areas of the display can be shaded to reject unwanted targets.