I just don't know if it is a rumor or a fact and from what people say it is a fact. I emailed Tesoro service and asked them and they did not deny it they couched it like this, and I quote:
"Dear Julien,
The idea that some Tejons are hot and some are not is rather subjective. If you were take 100 Ferrari's and test them all, 98 would do 200mph. One might do 205mph and one might do 195mph. The question to ask is does that make the 195mph Ferrari a "cold" car?"
They are basically saying that they are all the same but s few may be a tiny but better or worse. As far as other's i've talked to who have actually used them over the years, they are of the opinion that yes, some are hot and some are cool but most are somewhere inbetween and this is good because the hot ones tend to be unstable, especially in mineralized ground but they are all really hot, even the cool ones. It seem's to be something in the early one's that made them a little hotter. I would guess that Tesoro tuned them down slightly because most people do not want an erratic detector, which is what a really hot Tejon would be... irratic.
So I am happy with what I have learned and am not trying to dis Tesoro or the Tejon. I ordered one on Friday, I was just curious and I was curious because I have heard the tale more than once or twice about the Tejon in particular... that's why.