What i mean is at this spot thear is so much iron it is like a wall protecting the good targets so i made up my mine i would tear it down and plunder the goodies behind it . As you can see i dug lotts of nails and iron out i was using my Golden whith the 7" widescan i was getting no good signals but i kept digging the nails out and slurping them up whith my magnet .THEN after removing one i swung again and a nice high tone came thru , got out the pro pointer and proceded whith caution Hummm out comes a square pice of copper no big deal was ready to tose it in the garbage bucket and i thout i seen some writing on it OHH MY WORD ITS A TOKEN and it says (COMMERCIAL HOTEL POOL ROOM ON ONE SIDE) then on the other (GOOD FOR 2 1/2 C IN TRADE 9 now for 2and 1/2 cents to be a big deal it must be old dont know whear or what the comercial hotel is have to do some research its funny how a good signal can be totaly masked by the iron nails . kinda like our good works can all be ruined by one bad deed as the bible says all our righteousness is as filthy rags thats why wee need to be saved by grace thru faith in jesus crist the bad can only be removed by the blood of jesus so that the good can come thru befor this i went to a small tot lot and put on the clean sweep and covered it fast and got the cladd you see but i hope to get back to my good spot soon and keep tearing down the iron wall