I recently got permission to hunt a couple old houses. The Owner's only request was that I let her know what I found. This house had been in her family for over a 100 years. The Owner was right at 80 herself. I had almost completed hunting the House when I decided to call her and report my findings. I told her about the Walker I found
as well as about 10 Wheat Pennies starting at 1919. Some were in too bad shape to get a date. I was just about to get off the phone when I remembered something else. I found a small Pendant from a necklace that had an Old Timey Race Car on it. I told her about it and immediately knew something was wrong by the change in her voice. She then said "my Mother was killed in a Race Car when I was 8 Months old." She then asked if she could have it. In all honesty it was the least valuable find for me but was very important to her. I will return it as soon as I can catch her at home. This shocked me as well as her.
as well as about 10 Wheat Pennies starting at 1919. Some were in too bad shape to get a date. I was just about to get off the phone when I remembered something else. I found a small Pendant from a necklace that had an Old Timey Race Car on it. I told her about it and immediately knew something was wrong by the change in her voice. She then said "my Mother was killed in a Race Car when I was 8 Months old." She then asked if she could have it. In all honesty it was the least valuable find for me but was very important to her. I will return it as soon as I can catch her at home. This shocked me as well as her.