New member
I picked this tea caddy a few weeks back that was missing almost all of its veneer and the bail.So I took the rest of it down and brought it back.I Had a nice small post and bail for the handle and veneered the top.Found a key[I got keys] and cut a key hole in a piece of Ivory from a piano key board and cut it to size.Veneered the bottom sand and finish.The caddy is dovetail together out of English oak,all the hardware is blacksmith made.Tea was as good as gold when this box was made [1800-1850].Only the well to do could afford it and was stored in the caddy under lock and key so the housekeepers wouldn't help themselves to any leaves.I liked the veneer I picked out for it and made up a mouse pad with it too.But the mouse pad looks good under the caddy too.