Today I took the Nox800 into a field where I frequently hunt civil war relics.I was hunting in Park 1-2. I dug alot of iron but nothing significant Not knowing what or how a minnie ball sounded I probably missed a few.Anyway I took another detector with me that gives a very distinctive sound and VDI if its lead.I found a 58 cal. gardner minnie with it. I went back and got the Nox and went back to the hole where I found the minnie. I buried it at the same depth and ran the Nox over it from all angles and it sounded a mid tone and repeatly hit a 16-17 VDI. Looking back on the two hour scan of the field I passed up a bunch of 16-17 because I thought it was more trashy iron.Live and learn,I will go back and dig every 16-17 I come across.