Yesterday I decided to use the LF on the X-70 and hit a church yard that we have hit pretty hard. This was the first real time I have used the LF coil. The yard is very trashy but has more iron trash than modern trash. I NCed and GBed the machine and went to work. I found several coins ranging from pennies, dimes and quarters. All of these targets would bounce from 38 to 46 and not lock on solid..... kind of like the iffy targets that I hardly ever dig. Most targets that I have dug in the yard before have rang up solid. Most of these targets were fairly deep ranging from 4 to 8 inches. On this trip I didn't hit anything that rang up real solid. On one hand I think that the coil is acting crazy but on the other hand I think that the coil is acting this way because of the targets in relation with the trash.
Seems like I read something about this but can't find it.
What could it be?
Seems like I read something about this but can't find it.
What could it be?