Hmm... let's see if can recall 'em all...
1974 (Spring): first detector was a Heathkit, which I built myself - the salesman said it would find a dime a foot deep in GA red clay ...NOT!
1974 (Summer): Saw John Sexton's newspaper-classified ad for a better detector - and thus discovered the North GA Relic Hunters club - and a White's Coinmaster V.
1976 (?): Introduction of the Fisher 441 - which was better on brass than the White's Coinmaster V.
1978: a Nautilus DMC "five knob" -(I'd moved to VA to dig relics in '7

1980 (?): a newly-introduced improvement, the six-knob Nautilus (a.k.a. the "DMC-1").
1982 (?): Bought a Tesoro to hunt coins in Fredericksburg yards.
1988: a Fisher PI for underwater detecting.
1989: a TekNetics underwater.
2005: a Minelab Explorer (version 1) - which I still haven't learned to use very well.
So, that makes 7 in my first 15 years, then only one in my next 17. I guess I'm too happy with my old 1980 Nautilus DMC-1 relic-detector.
TheCannonballGuy [Pete George]