It Was Freakin Freezing Today, I was so Cold that when I went into my house, the temperature in the house immediately dropped 10 degrees. It was cloudy for most of the day, but the sun did appear a couple of hours before it set and got dark out. I hit about 5 snow hills during the last couple of days. They have been busy with lots of activity..... people, young and old. Tracks everywhere in all directions of sleds, toboggans and snowboards. My weapon of trash reduction was the ACE 250.

I had to put one of those hand warmers on the batteries so they wouldn't freeze and drain. I also put on that camo cover for extra insulation. I lasted about 5 hours outside, and so did my batteries.
Below are the good, the bad and the ugly. I hunted with no discrimination, and dug all the good sounding targets.