Hi Geoman. I would say 90% of the older coins I find are in the 6-8 inch range, the remaining 10% are either deeper than 8" or shallower than 6" pretty even split. Everyone seems to think you have to dig to China to get the old ones, that's not the norm at least not in my neck of the woods. I would much rather have a machine that's good in the trash because that's where all the good coins are hiding, and that's exactly where I find the majority of mine. The ATP is very capable of getting those occasional real deep coins and they usually give a very faint repeatable signal. I try not to pay much attention to the number scale anymore, for me the sounds seem way more reliable, and I have noticed the numbers can be jumpy. I guess I just feel more confident in the sounds. The iffy numbers are probably due to the other junk in close proximity to the good target, so I don't want to be discouraged from digging a good sound because it didn't give the right number or jumpy numbers. Sometimes it is hard to get the deep ones (10+ inches) to pinpoint, but again if I'm getting a very faint repeatable tone, that's not giving me those harsh iron sounding edges, I'm digging it. And I've been pleasantly surprised with a nice old coin several times. Hope this helps.
HH Butch NY