Off to an Middle School where I always find scads of clad. Never anything else decent. Never! So I decide that I am going to find a piece of jewelry or a silver coin or a half dollar or a dollar coin. Something different. As I began, I dug 20 signals without a coin. About 5 pop tops and 15 pencil erasers. Then a nickel and then about 10 junk items. So much for my mission. Half an hours hunting and 5 cents in my pocket at my best clad site. Back to my old clad setup. That is dig copper cent and above. I constantly dug coins for an hour. 50 coins at least. Me elbow ached. I moved out into a soccer field and went back to jewelry mode digging everything. First target was the Australian 5 cent piece. First Australian coin! A few targets later was the zipper that turned out to be a zipper earring. It came out of the ground looking so good I was sure it was silver or gold but after close examination, probably not. 79 coins for $10.25 in less than 2 hours plus all the junk. A lot of digging. Is that a lot of dimes or what? I spoke briefly with the custodian and asked why so few pennies. He told me there is a big barrel in the lobby of the school and the kids are encouraged to toss their pennies into it. I got a look at it through the front doors. I sure would not want to have to roll them. I found one zinc cent and a bunch of 1960s and 70s pennies. Plus one mycokerewards cap.
Stopped briefly at the site where I was yesterday to make sure I didn't miss a coin in my silver coin spill hole. When I finally found it I did a really thorough search of the area and found............................nothing.
Stopped briefly at the site where I was yesterday to make sure I didn't miss a coin in my silver coin spill hole. When I finally found it I did a really thorough search of the area and found............................nothing.