that after such a long time, FINALLY, there is one coming out for the MXT/DFX.
IMO, That says quite a lot, considering what there is already available in as far "off line" stand alone" search probes go. Having ANY search probe is always better not not having one.( though,if you speak to the some blokes that have been detecting for years and even some newbies that MAY NOT agree).
The X-1 and it's concept, simply put, in most cases, is a second "on-board" coil.
Shaped like it is ie: long probe like, you will switch to it mostly when you are trying to locate that elusive target you have found primarily with the larger search coil.
Contrary to past info, it has nothing to do with NOT being able to pin point properly, it is simply a REAL handy accessory that helps a lot with speeding up recovery of the object and definition of what the object is.
There has been many a time where I have been tempted to and have done so, to walk away from a detected target, because I just couldn