I hunt with these settings most of the time...
I hunt in the DISC mode with the SENS at 10 o'clock, and the DISC to it's minimum (fully CCW) position...if your getting false signals, turn the SENS down until they stop.
Pin Pointing takes some practice...the X method works well once you get good at it...you have to have a good ear to use the ALL Metal no motion mode to pinpoint...If you have this feature, your listening for the loudest signal...then the object is directly under the center of the inner loop of the coil. I X from side to side, then straight forward and backwards...I start with broad sweeps, then make them shorter until I have locked onto the target. With the settings above, you should be able to detect a dime at 6-8" depending on your soil conditions...I also like to hunt when the ground is wet or damp...it increases the conductivity of buried items, and I tend to find more...it is messy sometimes, and I would not recommend it to a new hunter. My machine can get really muddy sometimes. Just keep practicing...keep your swings at a 2 foot per second sweep speed (do not sweep too fast, and not too slow). The coil MUST remain in motion to detect objects, unless your in the NO MOTION ALL-METALS mode. If you find the machine runs smooth with these settings, turn the sensitivity up to noon and try it there for a while...keep turning it up until you start getting erratic signals, then back it down a bit until they stop.