Spent a few hours stumbling around a site that was home to a small fair back in the 1870's -1880's. I've found quite a few nice old coins here during the past 25 years. The best part about hunting this site is that none of the coins have been newer than 1887. But after hitting it pretty good the past few years, finds are getting few and far between. Anyway, I only found one coin today. X-70, 9-inch concentric at 7.5 kHz, sensitivity 28, GB of 42, 4-tones in all metal, it read a solid 18 from half a dozen directions. Buried at about 6 inches in pasture was an Indian Head cent. It is in very corroded condition, which may attribute to the lower conductive reading. I'd like to tell you it is an 1877. But unless I can make a number appear where one is not readable, I'll just have to say it is an 187?. I've hit IH cents ranging from 24 to 32. But I've never hit an IH cent that read this low. Any thoughts? HH Randy