Found something strange and I could not change it.
Built the coin "cherry picking coin program" like in Andys 3030 book.
It worked fine in the test garden ,but when I bench tested some coins I don't have in the garden I got a strange lack of audio
Sen on auto, fast off, deep on, Fe coin, target trace and pinpoint on, audio in combined.
Was bench testing with a clad 50 and Morgan Silver dollar.
They would register in the accepted open areas and I could " draw" them with target trace, and the accept icon was on the screen but no sound on either when swiped with the coil.
I could put a silver dime or clad quarter and they would register and sound off just like you would expect.
I know if you have it set in anything besides Fe coin they will register up in the 1-2 Fe line instead of the 12 line when in Fe coin.
I did notice similar results with no audio sounds but that was when the coin was in the middle of nails in my one test, no sound but you could draw the coin with target trace .
Just curious as to what's happening there? Anyone see this before?
It's to cold to do anything but spend a little time in the test garden and bench test in the warm garage ;-)
Built the coin "cherry picking coin program" like in Andys 3030 book.
It worked fine in the test garden ,but when I bench tested some coins I don't have in the garden I got a strange lack of audio
Sen on auto, fast off, deep on, Fe coin, target trace and pinpoint on, audio in combined.
Was bench testing with a clad 50 and Morgan Silver dollar.
They would register in the accepted open areas and I could " draw" them with target trace, and the accept icon was on the screen but no sound on either when swiped with the coil.
I could put a silver dime or clad quarter and they would register and sound off just like you would expect.
I know if you have it set in anything besides Fe coin they will register up in the 1-2 Fe line instead of the 12 line when in Fe coin.
I did notice similar results with no audio sounds but that was when the coin was in the middle of nails in my one test, no sound but you could draw the coin with target trace .
Just curious as to what's happening there? Anyone see this before?
It's to cold to do anything but spend a little time in the test garden and bench test in the warm garage ;-)