Well-known member
Thanks to erickk i got all my parts, drilled, fitted, cut and painted my straight shaft. It came out looking very nice.... i could put my finger in front of the handle and it was almost balanced.... i was pleased. Everything looked and fitted the way others peoples did. Then its time to take it for a spin on the beach. Right off the bat i didnt like the headphone cable being tight making it difficult to put the detector down when not in the water. The balance made it swing pretty good.... still not as light as just a rod and coil thou. So i hit the water...... I saw no way to tie off the headphone wires at the headphones so it was working like a theater which concerned me. I found a well balanced detector on the beach wasnt the same in the water. With the pod out of the water it increased the weight on the back of the shaft and i found myself fighting to keep the coil down unlike when you have just the coil on the shaft. I attached a rope to the detector in case i had to let go of it to keep it from floating off in ruff waves. With the hip mount i just tied off the cable on my belt and on the rod keeping it from pulling either the coil or pod and i didnt need a rope. It was easier to use the knobs..... may try a chest mount next lol.