Hi Everyone,
Although this is my first post, i have been detecting for about a year now and have been following this site closely the entire time for all your information. I have not posted due to wanting to learn before sharing my experience. I find myself asking for your help, however, with my first post. This weekend (my birthday) i was robbed and one of the many items stolen was my Excal 1000. I was robbed in West Palm Beach, Florida and would appreciate any of you out there giving me any information if you happen to see my Excal on the beach. Insurance wont cover theft of it so im on my own to find it. Mine had a lot of parts on it that would make it easily identifiable, including an aftermarket black shaft that has a cut in the center with a piece of wood inside so that i can break it down to travel. i also have a knob guard on it that is silver. the unit looks brand new and i would recognize it from a great distance. I would very very much appreciate if you all down there could keep you eyes open for my machine as im sure it will be up for sale sometime soon or it will be seen on a local beach soon. I will keep my eyes open but i will be offering a reward to anyone who either locates the machine or anyone that is able/willing to call the local police in case this machine is seen somewhere. I appreciate any/all your help and i hope to be able to recover my favorite toy sometime soon. Thank you all. Marc
Although this is my first post, i have been detecting for about a year now and have been following this site closely the entire time for all your information. I have not posted due to wanting to learn before sharing my experience. I find myself asking for your help, however, with my first post. This weekend (my birthday) i was robbed and one of the many items stolen was my Excal 1000. I was robbed in West Palm Beach, Florida and would appreciate any of you out there giving me any information if you happen to see my Excal on the beach. Insurance wont cover theft of it so im on my own to find it. Mine had a lot of parts on it that would make it easily identifiable, including an aftermarket black shaft that has a cut in the center with a piece of wood inside so that i can break it down to travel. i also have a knob guard on it that is silver. the unit looks brand new and i would recognize it from a great distance. I would very very much appreciate if you all down there could keep you eyes open for my machine as im sure it will be up for sale sometime soon or it will be seen on a local beach soon. I will keep my eyes open but i will be offering a reward to anyone who either locates the machine or anyone that is able/willing to call the local police in case this machine is seen somewhere. I appreciate any/all your help and i hope to be able to recover my favorite toy sometime soon. Thank you all. Marc