joe dirt_1
Active member
I hate digging those rotten zinc pennies that seem to be everywhere we hunt. They have bubbles on the surface, big chunks missing off the sides and are almost half eaten away from just a short period of being in the ground. Just butt ugly coins...blah!
Unfortunatly those stinkin' lincolns need to be dug on most older sites because indian head pennies fall right in there reading just like a stinkin' lincoln. A good example of this is last summer a buddy and I were hunting the small yard of an older house and all I was digging was those damn zinc pennies at 2 to 3 inches deep. Well, I got another zinc reading at 2 inches and walked away from it cussing it under my breath. Something made me go back and dig the signal and I'm glad I did... it was a nice 1868 indian head penny at just 2 inches you will never know if you passed up a nice old indian head penny or some other desireable target by not digging those zinc signals. I do like those zinc signals that read 6 to 8 inches deep....very good odds of digging an indian head penny there. Just something to think about, especially for new hunters that might be discriminating out zinc pennies because
they didn't know they won't be finding indian head pennies either. On some sites, depending on how bad my knees are hurting, I will only dig zinc readings that are 5 inches or more. I might miss a couple of shallow indian heads once in a while but odds are it won't be a stinkin' lincoln. Do most guys dig the zincs or just pass them up? HH.........
Unfortunatly those stinkin' lincolns need to be dug on most older sites because indian head pennies fall right in there reading just like a stinkin' lincoln. A good example of this is last summer a buddy and I were hunting the small yard of an older house and all I was digging was those damn zinc pennies at 2 to 3 inches deep. Well, I got another zinc reading at 2 inches and walked away from it cussing it under my breath. Something made me go back and dig the signal and I'm glad I did... it was a nice 1868 indian head penny at just 2 inches you will never know if you passed up a nice old indian head penny or some other desireable target by not digging those zinc signals. I do like those zinc signals that read 6 to 8 inches deep....very good odds of digging an indian head penny there. Just something to think about, especially for new hunters that might be discriminating out zinc pennies because
they didn't know they won't be finding indian head pennies either. On some sites, depending on how bad my knees are hurting, I will only dig zinc readings that are 5 inches or more. I might miss a couple of shallow indian heads once in a while but odds are it won't be a stinkin' lincoln. Do most guys dig the zincs or just pass them up? HH.........