I noticed that on one of the very latest detecctors to be recently introduced......it had "issues" with round iron ( steel bottle caps). They rang up with a coin sound and had produced a coin target VDI . Almost all of our "so called" discriminators have what i call defective ID performance. Why... in this day and age with our technology being so far advanced ......can I not buy a metal detector that will cleanly disc out a rusting bottlecap??? If your detector can't do this......do you really have a real discriminator ..... no..... you have a "kind of" discriminator. I can undertstand the difficulty of creating a discriminator that can seperate pulltabs from gold rings.... very tough, But come on guys it's 2016 build me a disc unit that will get rid of rotting bottle caps...until this derector shows up ...let's face it we don't really have a true discriminating metal detector. All manufacturers have let us down in this regard!!