ALRIGHTY,THEN:I jumped on the scale yesterday-after 15 days;I have lost 4 LBS.
Im off to a good start-HOW am I doing it;you ask??Pills;one of them Thighmaster 6,ooo things??Hypnosis?NAH....Its called gettin up off my wide back-side and walkin-I do at least 1 mile at home every day;in addition to what I walk at work (3-4 miles)...BOY OH BOY!!!By summer;at this rate;I can wear my slinky string bikini at the beach
-and become one of them walkway models wearing one of them Vera Wang Original dinner gowns...with matching purse;and high heels...Only bad thing;though:I will have to shave my beard off...Like that woman in the Nutrisystem ad says:"I feel SO sexy"....