In 1940, according to the Census, there was a US pop of 132,164,569
Today, theres 317,380,950 as of 5:30 am
In 1940, there were 340 people hit and killed by lightening.
In 2012 there were 28
Some of the old Census data can tell you where the population centers were in the areas where you live...all sorts of other interesting data too...It may help you get an idea where to hunt?
The lightening death stats have continued to fall every year steadily, my main working theory is even though the Pop has tripled, theres fewer people spending any time outdoors...
I'm sure a fellow can deep dive into the data, using even the NOAA weather stats and couple them with archives to try to put you into an area where there was a lot going on in the past on a certain summer...
For Instance:
This past summer here was very cold, hardly anybody outside swimming through July, economy was poor, price of gold over 1200/oz, nobody wearing gold or swimming with it as much as before...beach hunting for drops from this summer was very poor. Now couple that with the lack of kids being outdoors, or the amount of money being carried, and that spells a tough hunt for the drops of 2013....
I might go back and look for a year or two stretch when folks were flush with cash and outdoors a lot, a hot summer when everybody was swimming and camping out a lot...probably in the late 60's early 70's before the oil embargo I'm thinking...then, try to discover the swimming holes/parks of that era by overlaying the map on the heavy Pop centers?
Anyway, its sort of fun to try to track people through Time by using whatever's available that will tell us where they WERE! I think we will be looking for 60's and 70's gold...I suppose a fellow could use some other data to tell us where they WILL of the head would say hunt Asian beaches and resorts if you want to find new wealth gold this year...track the demographics of where the gold wearers like to go, higher end resorts that are booked solid for Spring Break perhaps? And then get there during...Anybody else dink around with data like this? I'm snowed in and going nuts by the way!
Today, theres 317,380,950 as of 5:30 am
In 1940, there were 340 people hit and killed by lightening.
In 2012 there were 28
Some of the old Census data can tell you where the population centers were in the areas where you live...all sorts of other interesting data too...It may help you get an idea where to hunt?
The lightening death stats have continued to fall every year steadily, my main working theory is even though the Pop has tripled, theres fewer people spending any time outdoors...
I'm sure a fellow can deep dive into the data, using even the NOAA weather stats and couple them with archives to try to put you into an area where there was a lot going on in the past on a certain summer...
For Instance:
This past summer here was very cold, hardly anybody outside swimming through July, economy was poor, price of gold over 1200/oz, nobody wearing gold or swimming with it as much as before...beach hunting for drops from this summer was very poor. Now couple that with the lack of kids being outdoors, or the amount of money being carried, and that spells a tough hunt for the drops of 2013....
I might go back and look for a year or two stretch when folks were flush with cash and outdoors a lot, a hot summer when everybody was swimming and camping out a lot...probably in the late 60's early 70's before the oil embargo I'm thinking...then, try to discover the swimming holes/parks of that era by overlaying the map on the heavy Pop centers?
Anyway, its sort of fun to try to track people through Time by using whatever's available that will tell us where they WERE! I think we will be looking for 60's and 70's gold...I suppose a fellow could use some other data to tell us where they WILL of the head would say hunt Asian beaches and resorts if you want to find new wealth gold this year...track the demographics of where the gold wearers like to go, higher end resorts that are booked solid for Spring Break perhaps? And then get there during...Anybody else dink around with data like this? I'm snowed in and going nuts by the way!