I left the house at 5:45 A.M. drove 1 hr north and hit my first sweet spot that always produces Started off Great
I got 2 rings, one brass and one gold plated costume that retails for $45 dollars a CZ earring and $3.05 in change in 1hr 20 min. Great start to the day right ? Then jumped to my second spot been dying for weeks to get there and try the pro in the water. Started detecting, hit a penny then went about ten feet further and she started to chatter, did an adjustment but kept getting worst then it happened EPIC FAIL
got so bad I couldnt detect havent even got the box wet but it was acting like it was wet. got out of the water shook the machine lightly and noticed water dripping from the 4"snipercoil took the coil off and it sounded like a snow globe on the inside. I found 2 small holes in the seal and since my big coil is screwed up and I havent got the new one in the mail yet, That ended my day
my son in law was using my F-70 so I just let him detect and then we called it quits so i will have to do the other 3 parks I had mapped later . So Garrett your gettin another call on monday lol HH to all